ffencoderd.pl File Reference

#include "constant.pm"
#include "POSIX.pm"
#include "FindBin.pm"
#include "File/Basename.pm"
#include "File/Spec/Functions.pm"
#include "Config.pm"
#include "Config/General.pm"
#include "lib.pm"
#include "ffencoderd/Encoder.pm"
#include "ffencoderd/Queue.pm"
#include "ffencoderd/PREFORK.pm"

Include dependency graph for ffencoderd.pl:


Public Functions
void usage ()
void sigHUP_handler ()
string insert0 (scalar date)
String longfmt (scalar sec, scalar min, scalar hour, scalar mday, scalar mon, scalar year, scalar wday, scalar yday, scalar iddst)
void appendfile (scalar fp, scalar msg)
void createpidfile (scalar pid)
void interrupt ()
void REAPER ()
void main ()

Detailed Description

ffencoderd is a daemon that wraps the usage of ffmpeg providing a simple SOAP API to control video encoding jobs. ffencoderd is focused on any video conversion to flash video format although any format accepted by ffmpeg can be used. ffencoderd is divided into two main parts an http server which provides methods to add/retrieve files and request the SOAP api. And a second part the encoder daemon which converts the video. Each part is runned in background as a daemon process.

Function Documentation

void appendfile ( scalar  fp,
scalar  msg 

Append file: Append a string to a file.

string $fp File name
string $msg Message to log

void createpidfile ( scalar  pid  ) 

Create pid file: Crea el archivo con el pid del proceso padre

int $pid Pid number

string insert0 ( scalar  date  ) 

Insert 0: Fix up date strings int $date

int with suffix 0 if <10 #

void interrupt (  ) 

Interrupt: Simple interrupt handler

String longfmt ( scalar  sec,
scalar  min,
scalar  hour,
scalar  mday,
scalar  mon,
scalar  year,
scalar  wday,
scalar  yday,
scalar  iddst 

Long format: Custom datestring for the logfile

String local date string #

void main (  ) 

Init app processes, http server and encoder daemon

void REAPER (  ) 

REAPER - a reaper of dead children/zombies with exit codes to spare

void sigHUP_handler (  ) 

Safe reload

void usage (  ) 

show usage dialog

Generated on Mon May 12 16:23:47 2008 for ffencoderd framework API by  doxygen 1.5.5